Online Resource ‘Kete’ (Basket)

Suggestions for what you can bring to your online sessions

When we meet online, it’s helpful if you have some resources with you to enrich our time together and give you options to explore during our conversations.

Even if you don’t think of yourself as particularly creative or artistic, sometimes these mediums help us to express ourselves in helpful ways.

Have a small basket or box that you can bring out and have on hand each time we meet. You may even want to create a small vignette on a side table (or similar) of things that capture your attention or represent your life right now.

You may want to add some or all of the following. Add anything else that catches your eye or imagination that you’d like to have available to you.

  • beeswax candle (or similar) and matches

  • jumbo crayons

  • A4 or bigger art pad

  • bible

  • tissues

  • journal

  • pens

  • old home or garden magazines

  • glue stick

  • scissors

  • a piece of your art

  • a symbol of you where you find yourself in this season