
After coming to faith and growing up in different streams of the church, I’ve developed a love for the whole church and have been serving in one particular branch of it - the Vineyard Churches family - since my mid-20s.

Following the invitation of God has led me from a background in teaching to full-time ministry roles over the last 30 years. This journey has seen me live in Oxford (UK), and Los Angeles (CA), before landing permanently in Auckland (NZ). I pastor Coast Vineyard Church alongside my husband Matt and have three strong, creative and talented daughters and fab son-in-laws.

I’m passionate about walking alongside people as they navigate life, faith, and ministry with God, and particularly love to work with lay leaders, pastors, and clergy. After training as a spiritual director with Spiritual Growth Ministries and studying ministry supervision at Laidlaw College, I now enjoy offering spiritual direction and supervision alongside my pastoral work.

I receive monthly professional supervision and personal spiritual direction so I know what it’s like to be on the receiving end of these conversations and offer it to others. This is a wonderfully life-giving space.

Suppose you are feeling drawn to explore this ancient Christian tradition of having contemplative, reflective, regular conversations focussed on your journey with God, your work, and your spiritual well-being. In that case, I’d love to talk with you more.


DipTchg; B.Ed; M.Min, Post Grad Certificate in Theology - Ministry Supervision

About Me

Keep your heart with all diligence, for out of it is the wellspring of life.

Proverbs 4:23

‘Where you are is where I’ll meet you’.

Richard Rohr