Pause, reflect, go deeper, and thrive

Spiritual Direction & Ministry Supervision with Jacinda Lilly

Kia ora - Welcome

I’m Jacinda - a follower of Jesus, wife, mother, pilgrim, church planter, speaker, writer, pastor, spiritual director and ministry supervisor.

I created Wellspring as a place to offer spiritual direction, ministry supervision, and resources to support men and women as they seek to deepen their relationship with God, do life with Him and serve Him faithfully and fruitfully.

Scripture describes our heart as the wellspring of our lives and our heart as being the core or centre of who we are as God’s image bearers. The state of our heart ripples out into the entirety of our lives.

Our conversations together can attend to the well-being of your heart and soul and to the development of your vocation and ministry as you are led by God into the life you long for.

As a leader or pastor, you may be looking for a safe place to unpack and examine the intricacies and responsibilities of your work to help you thrive.

Alternatively, you may be looking for a spiritual companion or ‘soul friend’ to journey with you as you navigate the mountains and valleys (and everything in between) of life and faith.

I embrace a contemplative, reflective posture firmly rooted in the Christian tradition, which helps us slow down and listen carefully - to you and the Holy Spirit.

After years of receiving personal spiritual direction and professional supervision, I know firsthand how much this has helped me as a follower of Jesus, pastor, and leader.

I look forward to the opportunity to offer you this supportive space.

Dive Deeper

Spiritual Direction

Spiritual directors are ‘companions on the way’ or ‘soul friends’ for those who are seeking to grow, develop and deepen their relationship with God. Curious to learn more about spiritual direction and if it’s right for you?

Ministry Supervision

In the context of a safe and trusted supervision relationship, you have the opportunity to grow and develop into being your best and truest self in your ministry/role. Want to know if pastoral supervision is a good fit for you?

Frequently Asked Questions

Ministry supervision and spiritual direction are often new and unfamiliar practices for people to explore. If you’ve got questions, you might find what you’re looking for below. If the information you need isn’t there, contact me directly.

‘God is already at work in all people, constantly inviting, drawing, encouraging folk to come home … to the One who creates us and loves us beyond our wildest imagination.’

Sue Pickering

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